Folsom Street General Volunteer Signup

Folsom Street is a non-profit arts and culture organization that produces iconic events that benefit the queer and trans community. Folsom Street cultivates a safe, open, and inclusive environment for the kink, leather, and alternative sexuality communities while centering equity for BIPOC and LGBTQA2I+ people.

This organization is rooted historically in the fight against gentrification and displacement here in San Francisco, on unceded Ohlone land, and worldwide. Folsom Street is diligent to unite, strengthen, and affirm the community through support, resources, education, advocacy, visibility, and celebration. They are dedicated to sexual liberation and the human right to pleasure as a crucial part of the liberation movement.

Each year, Folsom Street gathers in the SOMA neighborhood for Folsom Street Fair, the famously infamous street fair that draws in the leather/kink/alt-sex community from around the world!

*This opportunity is to volunteer with Folsom Street as an organization, not for Folsom Street Fair.

Sign up below to volunteer for Folsom year round!


Become a Gender Advocate with the Trans Advocacy & Care Team


Become a Peer Group Facilitator for the Trans Advocacy & Care Team!