MenAlive, The Orange County Gay Men's Chorus, Needs Volunteers!

MenAlive was founded by Rich Cook, who enlisted the help of friends and the AIDS Services Foundation Orange County (ASF) for support. Rich began turning his vision of a Gay Men’s Chorus into reality. With ASF helping greatly in the initial stages helping publicize the nascent chorus, Rich posted notices around Orange County announcing auditions in September. Then he crossed his fingers and hoped the singers would come.

"I made an agreement with myself: if you have 12 guys, go ahead," Rich recalled. On that first rehearsal night in early September, 13 men came and joined the chorus. MenAlive - The Orange County Gay Men's Chorus was born.

Those who do not sing or cannot make the weekly rehearsal schedule are invited to HeartsAlive. This non-singing group presents an opportunity for interested people to be members of the chorus and provide a wide range of essential support functions.

HeartsAlive members handle many of the administrative tasks that are needed to keep the organization operating including concert assistance, production, front-of-house and backstage duties, outreach, and much more. They need HeartsAlive Volunteers to keep the blood pumping through their organization, thus the name HeartsAlive.

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